Sunday, June 10, 2012

Worst. Pace. Ever. (Or: The Heat is not my Friend)

It felt like 35 degrees in Hamilton, Ontario today.  I waited until 5:00 p.m. to run, thinking that would be okay.  It wasn't.

I was running in the forest so I figured it wouldn't be so bad.  It was.

When I ran down some steep hills into the valley, I could feel tendrils of cool air but they quickly dissipated, and they weren't enough.

I don't know if it would have been a hard day anyway, or if it was solely the heat and humidity, but I felt like a complete train wreck.

It was soooo hot.  I thought longingly of running in the winter.  I wished for the smallest whisper of breeze, but nothing.  I would have given anything for a freezie.

At one point I thought of turning back, but I was determined to do the distance (about 13K) even if there was absolutely no speed involved whatsoever.  Which, if it's not already obvious, there wasn't.

I had many walking breaks.  I walked up even the smallest incline, because even those I considered 'hills' today.

I've heard that your body needs to adjust to things like altitude, so I'm thinking maybe it's the same for heat.  Hopefully my body will get better as the summer goes on.

Or I could start running at midnight!

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