Monday, June 11, 2012

Boot Camp: where your pride ends up in a puddle of sweat on the floor

We go to a mixed martial arts boot camp.  It's amazing!  I've taken so many classes over the years, but this has been the best work out by far, and one in which I've seen the most results.

It's based on whole-body workouts, so in one exercise you could be working your core as well as arms and legs.

When we do something seemingly simple, like squats, they become the hardest squats you have ever done.  We just go up and down, but we will count and hold at different levels, and then go back down, and I start breathing hard and my legs are shaking, and even a few seconds seem like an eternity.  It's so hard.  I love it!

We do skipping to warm up.  I thought that was difficult enough at first, and then different types of skipping were introduced, such as crossovers.  I can do some double-unders now, too!

Then we may do circuits to continue with cardio, while also using weights or doing jumps.  We use steps to jump over and on, bars to lift (sometimes while doing lunges), medicine balls to hurl or to lift while doing crunches, and so on.  It's impossible to say everything we do, because there are so many exercises and so much equipment used.  This keeps it all interesting.  I don't know how anyone can keep such a huge repertoire of exercises in their mind.  I can barely remember what I had for lunch.

That's the other thing I love about boot camp.  There is no limit to the bar.  He keeps raising it!  You think you're doing great with 'real' push ups, and then he changes where you put your arms or hands so that it's much harder.  And then he has you raise alternate legs while you do push ups, or clap hands with a partner in between push ups.

Have you seen that commercial for the Olympics that says 'Give It All'?  I love those boot camps where I feel I have given it all, and I'm so exhausted that I'm lying full out on the mat, sweaty and completely done.  It's very therapeutic.  So is the kickboxing and punching, but that's another post.

I've heard that cross-training helps with running, and I love the variety of boot camp.  So bring it on!

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