Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stress Relief

Sometimes I do the stairs on my lunch hours.  It was the kind of day where I wasn't sure what to do, because I had numerous errands I needed to complete as well.

I decided to do the stairs.

I'm so glad I did.  (I always am.)

This was me, driving from work to the stairs: stressed out, uptight, worried about finishing all my work.

This was me, driving back from the stairs:  all relaxed, feeling loose, and not nearly as worried.

Sometimes you don't realize how stressed out you are until you're not, and then you notice the huge difference in how you feel emotionally and physically.

I think just being outside under the big sky can make your problems seem much smaller.

There's nothing like working hard, getting your heart pounding and sweating it out to put everything in perspective.  Your body and your mind will thank you.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wheat-Free Food Staples


I've been trying to go wheat free (see blog post

"Wheat-Free Experiment". 

The food above are my staples now.  I've also been eating quinoa, salads, chicken, eggs and dark chocolate.  It feels very healthy.  I love all the greens I'm having.  I've even found these delicious sweet potato crackers.  Who knew I would ever crave sweet potato crackers??

  Happy eating!