Friday, May 17, 2013

Getting Through the Big One (Race, that is!)

1.  Never decide how you're doing when you're in the middle of going up a steep hill.  This is an extremely bad idea.  Decide how you're doing when you're running DOWN a nice smooth incline, with the wind on your face and the sun on your back.
2.  There will be a moment when you question why you are doing the race.  The phrase, 'It seemed like a good idea at the time" will echo through your head.  This moment (hopefully) will pass. (I mean, of course it will pass! - added after reading #3)
3.  When negative self-talk is happening, notice it and try to change it to positive.  For example, instead of telling yourself, "I will NEVER finish this !@##$$% race!", instead say, "Soon I will be done!"  and "I am doing what very few people ever accomplish, and once more I am lucky to be running in the forest listening to music with snacks and water on my back."  If that fails, just fall back on my old standard: "I am not lying in a hospital bed, I am not lying in a hospital bed."
4.  Instead of looking inward, look outward.  Admire the scenery.  Listen to the birds.  Notice things you've never seen before.
5.  Have some jellybeans or chocolate.  How could that fail?
6.  Walk if you have to (and I will), but don't stop and lie down, or you may never, ever get back up again to finish the race.
7.  May the force be with you.

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