Saturday, August 25, 2012

Worst Run Ever!

My visit to the gym the other day motivated me to do more running and strength training. This morning I got all excited and I geared up and headed to the trails. That's when it started going downhill. Actually, don't get me started on the downhills now, that's still coming.

The class the other night really took a toll on my thighs. I was doing very low squats with weights, even the instructor told me I didn't have to go down that far. I should have listened. The worst pain always hits me two days after a workout and this was the day. I started my run with a walk to warm up and almost 2K later I was still only able to run a few hundred meters at a time because my legs were so stiff.

The weather was extremely hot and humid, and I've already ranted about my thoughts on humidity. I had a hand-held water bottle and it was so hot out the water did not refresh. Then to top it all off, I lost my iPod Shuffle charge cord so I had no music.

I made it through about 8.5K of running, or let's face it, mostly walking. For once I looked forward to the uphills. They were easier than the downs because the tops of my thighs hurt so bad going downhill was agony. I was so stiff there was no spring in my step. I probably looked like some wierd robot bouncing slowly down the hills on stiff legs.

I kept going by telling myself my sore muscles would loosen up, and they did. I never did get going very fast today, but it did get easier. In the end I was telling myself this was a character/environmental run and therefore beyond my control.

At least I got out of the house, burned some calories, built up some muscle and cleared my head in the woods. I'm glad I went, because no matter how bad the run is I never regret going . But my legs still ache.

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