Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sulphur Springs 25K Trail Race 2012 - Personal Best!

I ran the 25K Sulphur Springs Trail Race yesterday for the second time.  It was a beautiful day, not at all muddy like last year.  At some parts the dirt on the trails was like sand, it was so dry.  It was a bit warm but not too bad.  There were people tripping on roots everywhere, and I saw two people fall.  My friend was doing the 50K but had to be taken off the route after 40K because he hurt his foot on a root. 

As always, the atmosphere was really supportive, with runners yelling "Looking good," and "Way to go!" to each other.

Last year I did the race in 3 hours and 19 minutes, and this year I came in at 2 hours and 48 minutes, taking 30 minutes off my time!  I should say that last year I wasn't pushing it by any means.  I pushed it a bit more this year, obviously, but at the beginning I was trying to hold back and do a more easy pace.  My main goal is to finish upright and smiling, as they say, and I didn't want to injure myself.

Last year I ran with shin splints, so my shins were taped up, which actually worked amazingly well and I felt pretty good overall, but not 100%.  When I ran the 25K Run for the Toad, I had some IT band pain.  It was great to run this year without any injuries at all.

The trail was beautiful, as there are huge carpets of blue and pink forget-me-nots under the trees as well as those tall flowers that were white, dark purple and light purple.  Everything was very green and new.

I loved the medal this year for the 20th Anniversary, and the flip-flops with the race route are interesting and different.

My only complaint was the lack of food for the 25K.  (After I was done my race, I walked by an aid station and saw that they had put out all the food then!)  I didn't see any food at all at the stations when I ran by; it was just water and HEED.  Actually I did see pop occasionally too.  But no solid food at all.  After 15 K I could have really gone for a cookie or a chip or watermelon!

Luckily I had brought along some sport beans and electrolyte tabs in a pocket.  But even the post-race food was disappointing; one piece of fruit, one small muffin, and one small drink.  We need to replenish, people!  I'm sure that the higher mileage people were given good food, but come on, 25 K is still significant.  My friend's watch showed that we burned about 1700 calories.

Anyway, it's over and done and I'm very happy with my time.  I went out last night and danced the night away and today I feel great.  What more can you ask for?

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