This is what Ryan Rannelli asked me today while I was working out at his gym, 'No Excuse Fitness' in downtown Hamilton.
What a great question.
I was doing this one exercise during a boot camp class and he had made me do a harder version, and I was struggling. He watched me for a bit, and then said, 'What's your internal dialogue right now?'
It made me think. He was right. I was saying to myself, 'This is so hard. I really suck at this.'
I had learned while running that your internal dialogue is important, but some lessons you just need to keep learning. (Okay, every lesson?)
I needed to change my self-talk from negative to positive. I said to myself, 'I can do this.'
Honestly, this helped. It's amazing. It shows you the power of your mind.
Thank you Ryan!
What's YOUR internal dialogue?